Other services
Work with a qualified and registered professional nutritionist to help with your clinical cases and offer your clients expert nutrition advice.
Provide your clients with nutrition and fitness information and education with a talk from Clare.
Please contact Clare for more details.
Clare has given talks, lectures, workshops and nutrition modules to the following groups:
Pony club and riding club members, Veterinarians and Veterinary nurses, Masters, undergraduate and further education students, enthusiastic horse owners, Barefoot trimming students, feed store staff and British team members in a variety of disciplines
Whether you are a course leader, a vet, a club organiser or an enthusiastic horse owner, if you have a group of interested participants, you could host a talk or workshop.
Contact Clare for more details.
Feed Industry
Professional technical expertise to help you with your business.
Could include new product development, technical reviews, copy writing, articles and/or staff training.
Please contact Clare for more details.
Comment, articles or information from a qualified, registered professional nutritionist. Clare has written many articles for the glossy press, has featured in the Guardian and Your Horse magazine and appeared on several podcasts.
For professional comment on radio, television, podcast or in written material, please contact Clare.