

Horse Nutrition, Health & Fitness

Clare MacLeod MSc RNutr


We’re here to help you feel more confident about your horse’s nutrition, health and wellbeing.

Whether your horse or pony is a pet, for leisure or an elite equine athlete, we offer a range of services to educate and boost your confidence in horse feeding and nutrition, to improve your horses well being and performance.

Clare MacLeod MSc RNutr is an independent Registered Equine Nutritionist, scientifically qualified and with many years of practical experience.

She is also one of only a handful of Equine Nutritionists in the UK that are registered with the AfN, who recognise the highest standards in nutrition.

As a horse owner herself, she understands the challenges of ensuring the best possible nutrition for optimal health and well-being.

Discover below the ways you can access help and advice from horse nutrition specialist Clare MacLeod.

Equine Nutritionist Clients

“Nutrition isn’t everything: but there’s nothing without it”

!! NEW !!

Equine Science Expert Summary

Unlock the Latest Equine Science

without the overwhelm or expense

Your Expert Summary of the Latest Research in Equine Nutrition, Exercise and Health

Equine Nutritionist Confident Horse Feeding Course

Courses & Webinars

Confident Horse Feeding

Discover the truth about feeding your horse. Gain a deeper and clearer understanding of nutrition, and get clarity and peace of mind that your horse’s diet makes them happy and healthy. Clare’s flagship program for dedicated horse owners

Horse Feed Plan

Cut through nutrition confusion with a Feed Plan for your horse, with the help and guidance of Clare, in a self study short course.

Horse Nutrition Webinars

Upgrade your horse nutrition knowledge and understanding with watch-on-demand.

Equine Nutritionist Equine Nutrition Learning Centre

The Equine Nutrition Learning Centre

A self-study extensive online library of horse nutrition advice and information plus an online Community for support, sharing and chat.

Healthy horse good feeding

Bespoke 1 to 1 Consultancy

Professional, confidential, unbiased advice service for horse owners, managers, veterinarians and the feed industry. Limited availability.

Equine Nutritionist Clare MacLeod on Facebook

FREE Resources

Clare’s list of recommended vitamin and mineral supplements

Clare’s list of recommended balancers (concentrated compounds)

5 Steps to become more Confident Feeding Your Horse e-booklet

Happy clients. Happier horses.

Equine Nutritionist Client Reviews

“This time last year Mambo was looking awful, and this year after your suggestions he is looking and feeling great. It really has made such a difference.... I can’t thank you enough!”

Anna and Mambo

Just wanted to say a very heartfelt thanks for your time and advice today Clare, it felt like an absolute lifeline. Thank you so much, such rich and valuable information”

Jo and Coral

Your advice has been an absolute game changer for my mare. The difference in her is like night and day. Thank you!”

Victoria and Orla